FHS Student Council members spent the day serving our community by working at Toys for Tots on Tuesday. Thank you for your service!
Congratulations to FHS students Allison DeLeeuw and Allyson Harvey! They applied for the Strive for a Safer Drive grant, and were awarded $1,000 for our SLS chapter to implement the campaign. This campaign will encourage FHS students to practice safe driving habits.
The Freeland CSO's have completed their first STEM newsletter for the year. Check it out!
FHS/FMS are pleased to announce that we had a successful food drive. There were 1106 items donated by students in 7-12 grade. First place class: Dr. Short,
Second place class: Mrs. Williamson, and Third place class: Mrs. Howson.
Thanks to Hidden Harvest for the boxes and helping us transport the 80 boxes of food to the St. Agnes food pantry.
Thank you to FHS students Connor Dvorak, Duncan LeBel, Brody Wheatley, and Peyton Essex, who assisted Tittabawassee Township and helped with hanging lights at Hayes Park. We appreciate your service to our community!
FHS recently participated in College Application Week. These seniors applied to at least one college. Thank you to Mrs. Essex, our Guidance Counselor, and Mrs. Wells, our College and Career Advisor, for organizing this important week of events for our seniors.
FHS congratulates our recent SOAR winners! Thank you for Showing respect, being On Task, Always safe, and Responsible!
FHS congratulates senior Adam Deeter, on being selected as the Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen. Adam was recognized today at a special award ceremony. He is pictured here with his parents, Douglas and Amy Deeter, and our Guidance Counselor Mrs. Essex.
FHS students in Mrs. Keefer's Personal Living class jump started their sewing skills by making succulent pin cushions. These will come in handy for their upcoming projects. Great work students!
FHS is proud to share our newly inducted National Honor Society Members! These students met rigorous standards demonstrating scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Pictured here are the 2021-22 new members, as well as the members who were inducted in 2020-21, along with their advisor, Mr. Kostrzewa. Congratulations to all of you!
FHS students in Mrs. Clark's STEM class visited third grade last week to help build and test candy corn catapults. Great work to all students involved!
Thank you to our Saginaw and Mt. Pleasant K9 units for coming in and searching FHS and FMS for drugs today. We appreciate the service that they provided. We are happy to report that there were no illegal substances found in our buildings! #SVPCA #K9Cigan
Our Varsity Girl's Golf Team had some fun coaching with our 5th - 8th graders.
Congratulations to our 2021 Homecoming Court Members! We hope you join us for the parade at 5:30 on Friday night, and then come to see our King and Queen crowned at halftime of the football game.
Freshmen: Ryan Abbe, Ben Cook, Makayla Cook and Addison Seemann
Sophomores: Evangeline Brady, Adam McNier and Chloe Winchell
Juniors: Eric Dahley, Myah Gleason, Alli Maize and Nathan Niederquell
Seniors: Sophia Argyle, Annaleese Armstrong, Allison DeLeeuw, Alex Duley, Luke East, Whitney Farrell, Bryson Huckeby, Logan Kipfmiller, Garrett Pistro and Kaitlyn Roth
The FHS Homecoming hallway decorations are awesome this year! Our theme is Disney.
Congratulations to our FHS students who competed in the final 2021 Michigan Bass Nation HS Team Trail over the weekend. We are so proud of your hard work this season!
Grand River Results:
6th Brayden Ruckman & Nate Helmreich - 11.51 lbs
19th Jack Sprague & Cole Jimkoski - 6.87 lbs
24th Dalton Polega & Luke East- 3.03lbs
A big shout out to 2021 graduate Eli Folts, who completed his Eagle Scout project renovating our FHS greenhouse! Eli worked with our Green Club to make this happen. Special thanks to FHS teachers Mr Schmidt and Mrs. Keefer, and students, Molly O'Deay, Isabella Dey, Carter Vasicek, Brandon Fritz, and the members of the Green Club as well. Your hard word has created a wonderful space for students and our community to enjoy for years to come!
If you are looking forward to celebrating Homecoming with us this fall, plan ahead for the week of September 27 - October 1. Parade applications are now available in all district offices, and they are due by September 24. The parade begins at 5:30 pm on Friday, October 1.
As we get ready for school to start next Monday, our Freeland Parent Support Organization is kicking off a Boon Supply Fundraiser today. Check out the reusable lunch bags and many other kitchen and home products that could make this year easier for you as your child heads back to school. The FPSO makes 40% off of every purchase. Thank you for your support!
Bassmaster held a Junior's series, and 6 teams from as far away as Tennessee competed. Freeland’s team of Andon Harwood and Cayden Geurts took 4th place. Congratulations!