Our School

Welcome to the Freeland Learning Center
The Freeland Learning Center is the proud home to students in Young Fives, Kindergarten, First Grade, and Early Childhood Special Education. Our staff is dedicated to meeting the needs of our youngest Falcons and their families. We embrace the responsibility of fostering each child's love of learning and laying the foundation for their social and emotional development, all the while ensuring a positive school experience in a safe and supportive environment.
A strong partnership within the school community is of the utmost importance, and therefore, we value parent and community involvement in the educational process. With everyone working together for our students, the Learning Center will continue to be a special place to learn and grow.
If you are seeking more information, or have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call me at 989-695-5721.
Izabella Lopez, Principal
Freeland Learning Center
305 Third Street
Freeland, MI 48623
Ph: 989-695-5721
Fx: 989-695-2508
School Hours:
9:10 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Drop off begins at 8:35 a.m.
Izabella Lopez
Building Secretaries:
Gina Rapin (All Day)
Amanda Hemphill (Pm Only)