The Foundation Scholars of SVSU came into Mrs. Somers' class on April 23, 2019 to recognize Julia as the winner of the art contest to be put on the outside of the library.
Mrs. Hescott from DOW came and exposed Mrs. Somers' science classes to careers in science. She answered many questions and brought information sheets for the students to take home.
Powley Street Singers with Pop Evil
Simply an amazing experience!
Art Show Details
Art Show- April 9th
Vortex Cannons 2019
Mrs. Irish’s fifth grade science class followed the engineering design process to create and build basketball launchers. The teams competed in a March Madness tournament to showcase their designs.
5th grade completed a basketball hoop and throwing engineering activity to celebrate our Freeland Varsity Girls going to Final Four!
Students in Mrs.Trainor’s class participated in a social studies activity where the French and Indigenous people traded fur pelts for needed objects. Mrs. Koehler extended their learning by having them build trading posts in Stem class.
Mrs Crook’s 4th grade class enjoying their board game afternoon!
Our second graders did a fabulous job presenting google slide projects to wrap up our informational writing unit. - Mrs. Duley's Class
Mr. Harry Steib from Isabella Bank has been presenting to second graders for the past six weeks as part of the Junior Achievement Program.
Hat Day at the elementary
March is Reading Month
The Cat in the Hat Day
Libby Rivette 3rd place poster contest winner for the READ Association of Saginaw County pictured with her mentor and volunteer.
Mrs. Benkert's class is MARCHing through science and math.
Mr. Gusler’s second grade practicing their graphing skills with Lucky Charms in celebration of St. Patricks Day!
Mrs.Somer's class participated in Students Leading Students presentation that helped students learn how to make healthy choices.
Mrs. Somers' and Mrs. McKee's classes celebrate the end of their informational writing, by sharing with each other.
Mrs. Somers' science class collaborated with Mrs. Hescott from Dow to explore how chemical reactions make new substances.